Invent Clown


On top of being one of Hollywood’s highest-paid hosts, Ellen Degeneres is also a very extravagant homeowner. The veteran comedian and host had always preferred the lavish over the modest when it comes to her real estate investments. A prime example of Ellen’s exquisite taste can be seen through this $38 million home she purchased in Santa Barbara, California. The house in question is a gorgeous Italian-style mansion built with stone blocks, which gives the home an almost ancient vibe if not for its more modern facilities and decors.

Aside from its stone walls, the house is also built with wooden beams that support its ceilings and brick floors. However, the elegance doesn’t stop with the house’s facade and interiors. Outback, you’ll find a long swimming pool that seems to merge together with the mountain view of the property. It’s truly a great real estate find, and Ellen is lucky to have called it home at some point in her life.
